This photo was taken in Oct. 2011 at a Pumpkin Patch Farm before Kyle's surgeries.
He was weak and unstable so he needed to use a walker to keep his balance
and to sit and rest when he needed.
Pumpkin Patch 10/2011
Had this photo taken 2 weeks before his first surgery
This is a pic of Kyle a day after his first surgery
This picture was taken during the first week in traction
This is a photo of Kyle's pin site
This picture is to show the sores on his tongue after his second surgery.
His tongue was so swollen and we think the sores are from the bite block.
This photo was taken a couple days after Kyle's 2nd surgery
Being prepped to be transported in an ambulance
This picture was taken a few days
after being discharged from the hospital.
Suffered pneumothorax when in the OR to get his pins changed
8 days later
His new pin site
Received an Honorary Black Belt from his Karate School
The halo is off!